Lights! Camera! Action! Yes that is how you can literally shout at your digi cam and it will work! A developer has developed a Windows-only application called ShutterVoice that allows him to control most of the functions in Canon’s EOS Utility software with simple spoken commands. read the full story about this wonderful technology
Apache Continuum, a partner to Apache Maven, is a continuous integration server, which runs and builds on a configurable schedule.So what does this term 'Continuous Integration' mean? The term continuous integration refers to a process that builds and tests code on a frequent, regular basis. Many continuous integration systems monitor a source repository at regular intervals and trigger an integration every time someone commits a change. An integration can be anything from compiling and testing a single project to the assembly and testing of a deliverable from multiple dependent projects. Among the benefits of continuous integration are the immediate identification of defects and the ability to guarantee that a project's build will succeed at any point in the development cycle. Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible.
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