NEW DELHI - On one hand, junk food is turning urban India obese. On the other, size zero figures and eight-pack abs are being glamourised everywhere. Where does an overweight person find a partner in this scenario? A recently-launched website has the solution.
In the recent past, Gadgetophilia has brought you numerous collective topics on gadgets. While bringing you the best of the lots, its very easy to leave out some interesting and cool gadgets because of the sheer number of new ones produced every week. So we have decided to release an article every week which will talk about the top gadgets of that week which were missed but needed to be looked into, at least once. Here is our first article on such five cool and interesting gadgets. Hope you will enjoy.
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Mac fonts are lucrative to say the least. But what if you are a Linux user? Can you use their fonts in your good ol' Ubuntu? Preferably yes. Here is a very useful but simple article to download and install these Mac fonts to your Ubuntu and use them.
The Fonts
Lucida Grande
Lucida Mac
Amongst the very few irreplacable products that Microsoft Windows have come up with, Microsoft Office 2007 is one very close to it. It has so many features and standardized options that I can not think openoffice as an alternative to it. While you may find it easy to download and install MS Office 2007 in Linux and use it with Wine just like any other Windows application we run inside Linux there may arise some problems while running the MS Office 2007. So take a look at this article.
Native Client is an open-source research technology for running x86 native code in web applications, with the goal of maintaining the browser neutrality, OS portability, and safety that people expect from web apps.
Google Native Client is the recent project by Google to give you a technology that will help you improve upon your web application experience many folds. In the earlier stage Google had devised a version of Native Client for Ubuntu - the flavor of Linux that Google runs. Now with time, versions of Native Client for Windows XP and Mac OS X have been developed and tested. Native Client works with Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Google Chrome, with plans to support ARM and PowerPC.