HYDERABAD - In the third arrest in the Satyam Computer Services scam, the former chief financial officer (CFO) of the IT bellwether Vadlamani Srinivas was held by Andhra Pradesh police Saturday night in connection with the Rs.70 billion fraud.
HYDERABAD - Satyam Computer Services disgraced founder B. Ramalinga Raju and his brother B. Rama Raju were Saturday sent to the Chanchalguda central jail after they were remanded in judicial custody till Jan 23 for the Rs.70 billion financial fraud in the company.
BHUBANESWAR - Orissa Saturday announced it would review all the projects carried out in the state by Maytas Infra Private Limited (MIPL), promoted by the sons of disgraced Satyam Computer Services chairman B. Ramalinga Raju.
HYDERABAD - Several people from B. Ramalinga Raju's village shouted slogans in support of the disgraced Satyam Computer Services founder, while angry investors wanted to see him behind bars: that was scene Saturday outside the house of the magistrate who sent Raju to jail for two weeks.
NEW DELHI - The Indian government swung into action Saturday to deal with the perpetrators of the Satyam's Rs.70-billion (Rs.7,000-crore) accounting scam, while the market regulator said it would seek the court's permission to question the company's founder.
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