HYDERABAD - Disgraced founder and former chairman of Satyam Computer Services B. Ramalinga Raju and two other former top executives were Sunday taken into police custody for further interrogation in connection with the Rs.70 billion (Rs.7,000 crore/$1.43 billion) fraud.
Downloading and sharing videos from the internet is no more a leisure time entertainment. Its an obsession that has innumerable use cases these days. Things have rolled on with an array of sites YouTube, Google Video, MetaCafe, DailyMotion, Veoh, Break and loads of others ready to share videos. Well, for me, videos were not merely something that enhanced my PowerPoint presentations. It was the whim that led me to download the official sequel to Evolution of Dance as well as engineering tutorials from YouTube, to watch it on my Epoq MP4 Watch. So today I intend to share it all with you. The software, the direct web sources and many more such places to help you download your chosen video.
The first big patch for Windows 7 is out. Those who are using The Windows 7 Beta version, must be aware of the expiration date of 1st July. Here is this patch which not only will get rid of that 6 months of expiration warning to give you a better and unlimited use of Windows 7, but also will help you to disable send feedback button and also watermark from Windows 7 desktop! Isn't it wow.
One of the most troublesome issues of troubleshooting is to find out exactly how it happened and for what. Obviously, some processes are non-recoverable. For them you can not repeat the process and risk another hardware just because a troubleshooter wasn't able to understand where did it err. So what do you do depict the error ditto to original. Here is a wonderful tool for Windows 7. A feature new to Windows 7, called Problem Steps Recorder looks to be the missing tool for documenting where it all goes wrong.
Do you want to recover the MySQL root password. its by no means, easy. But its quite simple if you follow the procedure. You will have to follow this step-by-step processes.