HYDERABAD - A 12-member team of the Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) saturday quizzed Satyam Computers founder B. Ramalinga Raju, his brother B. Rama Raju and former chief financial officer Vadlamani Srinivas in Chanchalguda jail here.
This one is an exclusive section for those health freaks who believe Twitter can't help them to stay in the pink. Well, nobody can tolerate the extra bit of fat hanging from their bay window. Why worry when  Twitter has great apps to help your health and of others. Could there be a better idea than tweeting useful health tips? You can even do that from your mobile. What I feel is, you are what you eat and that your food controls your health. Moreover exercising is also essential if you're on of those dull boys. Well there are a number of Twitter apps that can help you out with your health.
There's a larger section of intelligentsia arguing whether technology could be more green. It's high time to believe Algore's predictions in An Inconvenient Truth and get back to the greener pastures. How about the Green Apple in your pocket. Well, I'm talking about the iPhone. Wouldn't you like the sophisticated Apple iPhone to adopt to a greener attitude for the cause of a green-world. Let's see how these green iPhone apps could help you to lead a eco-friendly lifestyle.
Ubuntu LogoAre you unappeased with your Ubuntu theme? At best what you do is open the appearance tab, re-scaling and choosing background colors for each pic. Blah! I say it's nothing but unproductive knob-twiddling. So how could you pull out all the stops?  Using Ubuntu myself I would love to help you folks to get some cool Ubuntu themes.
A spy is nothing without his gadgets like an archer without his arrows. Behind every successful spy there is a significant role of a spy gadget. (After all, everyone is not Sherlock Holmes) There are a plenty of spy gadgets available in the market. We have sorted out and made a list of top 10 spy gadgets that a real spy would die for. We know there is a spy in every one. Let’s see if you can get inspired and be the next James Bond. Read more at gadgetophilia.com
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