Earnings Preview: Cisco to report fiscal 4th qtrNEW YORK — Cisco Systems Inc., the world's largest maker of computer networking gear, reports its fiscal fourth-quarter results on Wednesday. The following is a summary of key developments and analyst opinion related to the period, which ran from April 26 to July 25:
Microsoft sees size as search answer in Yahoo dealREDMOND, Wash. — Microsoft is hoping that a long-term partnership with rival Yahoo will give it the size and insight it needs to bring in more traffic, more advertisers and ultimately more revenue.
Google CEO leaves Apple board to avoid conflictsSAN FRANCISCO — Google Inc. Chief Executive Eric Schmidt has resigned from Apple Inc.'s board because of the companies' conflicting interests as competition between the one-time allies heats up.
Openwave down 10 percent on analyst downgradeNEW YORK — Shares of mobile technology software maker Openwave Systems Inc. fell more than 10 percent Monday after an analyst downgraded the shares on disappointing earnings results and an unclear turnaround plan.
Google CEO leaves Apple board as companies competeNEW YORK — Google CEO Eric Schmidt is resigning from Apple's board of directors as the Internet search leader increasingly develops products that compete with Apple's core businesses, including the popular iPhone.
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