NEW DELHI - The $60-billion information technology industry in India will continue to attract overseas business, despite competition from other emerging markets that also offer lower costs, says the India head of global software giant Computer Associates.
HAMBURG - Google is testing a new social search function to make it easier for people find their friends' blogs and twitter feeds.
j2ee The performance test for J2EE application is a difficult task unless you plan well earlier. During development, you need to gather user requirements, understand the business need and make a formal schedule for testing. The performance test is supposed to be based on some use cases. This can be based on past data or anticipated data from future usage. Once you know what needs to be tested , the next approach is how you are going to test it.  I prefer benchmark test in the early stage of development to figure out any repeatable performance regression. The best way to conduct benchmark test is to change one parameter between tests.  You can gather critical information  of repeatable result through benchmark test. Suppose, your application is impacted when you change the JVM memory setting.  You increase the memory in different stages of the test. Then you study the result and corresponding data and record the information.
KOLKATA - Information technology (IT) company Wipro has agreed to pay Rs.1.5 crore per acre for A 50-acre plot at Rajarhat at the northeastern fringes of this city and the land will be handed over to them next month, a minister said here Saturday.
I was astounded to read how Facebook has saved a potential robbery suspect from 25 year jail team. New York cops detained Rodney Bradford for 13 days after being accused of breaking into a Brooklyn residence with a gun. Is it a case of justice being finally served to an innocent or was a criminal let off scott free because of incorrect understanding of how Web Services like Facebook / Twitter operates.
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