Blood pressure
WASHINGTON - What if my blood sugar's too high today? Is it time for my blood pressure pill? With nagging text messages or more customized two-way interactions, researchers are trying to harness the power of cell phones to help fight chronic diseases.
That has to be bad, isn't it? As per the definition I am really really obese, way beyond regular fat guy.
Three Transplant Patiet have died due to rare infection (LCMV virus) from rats, raises concern for all transplant patients. On a different front educated women are less likely to suffer from insomnia. And it appears that milk is destined to make a comeback. It had really a bad press all along.
It appears Mother's (by breastfeeding) have as much a role to play in the well being of a child as his own efforts (like regular exercise of salt restrictions) in later stages of life.
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