Computer Security

Koobaface for Mac OS X Found on Facebook
According to the researchers, if you are a Mac OS X user and visit social networking site like Facebook, MySpace and Twitter, chances are high that your PC may be infected by Koobaface. The Malware ultimately tries to gather sensitive information after infection from the victims such as credit card numbers etc.
The Security Concern of Smartphone is on the Rise
Computer security firms like Symantec and different Government agencies from Germany and France reported that potential hackers can use the vulnerabilities in Apple's software used in the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch to embed amalicious code through a specific PDF file so that they will be able to spy on users' passwords, text messages, photos, schedules, e-mails and even tap phone conversations.
Top 5 Online Tests To Ensure your Computer’s Security
Most of you are overconfident about your computer security unless the trojans, malwares or spyware attacks take you by surprise.

Root login is perhaps one of the very few vulnerabilities that Linux operating system faces.
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