LAHORE - 'Cyber gaming' has become a proper sport in Pakistan, in which several gamers have become so popular that they are now considered 'household names' in gaming circles around the world.

LAHORE, Pakistan - Pakistan lifted a ban on Facebook on Monday after officials from the social networking site apologized for a page deemed offensive to Muslims and removed its contents, a top information technology official said.

LAHORE, Pakistan - A Pakistani court lifted a ban on Facebook on Monday after officials from the social networking site apologized for a page deemed offensive to Muslims and removed its contents, said a top information technology official.
LAHORE - Blaming the social networking website-Facebook for hurting the sentiments of Muslims by holding competitions of drawing caricatures of Prophet Muhammad, Pakistan's Senate Standing Committee on Interior chairman Talha Mahmood has demanded a permanent ban on the website.

LAHORE, Pakistan - Pakistan's government ordered Internet service providers to block Facebook on Wednesday amid anger over a page that encourages users to post images of Islam's Prophet Muhammad.
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