Political Corruption
CHICAGO - Last week, Afghanistan. This week, parents protesting the proposed demolition of a park field house.
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - The administrators of a new legal defense fund set up for Sarah Palin have sent out e-mails to supporters and others that downplay the outcome of ethics complaints against the former Alaska governor and accuse her political enemies of waging a "vicious campaign" to ruin her.

Excerpts from recent editorials in newspapers in the United States and abroad:
JOHANNESBURG - The presidential election in Equatorial Guinea will undoubtedly extend the 30-year rule of Teodoro Obiang Nguema, a man accused of draining his nation's oil wealth to fabulously enrich family and cronies while his people suffer in slums.
WASHINGTON - Stung by an embarrassing electronic leak last month revealing ethics investigations into dozens of lawmakers, Congress moved Tuesday to prohibit federal employees from using the same type of Internet file-sharing software blamed for the disclosure.