According to IDC study, the same four vendors that led the content management market two years ago still lead it today, although their individual rankings have changed.
Chapanar, a parole absconder for more than a year, couldn't resist putting his picture on, most recently bragging about his newborn son.
Rob Sanheim commented on Java & Ruby communities. Ruby has Dr. Nic, and blogs like the Rails Blob while Java has Hani and his BileBlog. That underlines part of the reason I want to be with Java community.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation said on Wednesday it was giving $500 million to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, by far its biggest grant to the fund, which says it sorely lacks cash.
Nearly one in 10 people in UK believe they have fallen victim to identity fraud, according to a survey of 2,200 adults by YouGov.
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