An amazing video based on actual data showing how a 6 foot long DNA is tightly packed in a molecule and then in the second part you can see DNA replication machine via computer simulation.
Harry Potter and The Order of Hackers
Everytime a new Harry Potter book comes out there is an unannounced competition within hackers to be the first to scan it (ocr it) and post it online. Russian servers are an obvious choice as they are harder to track and shutdown. On the other hand Mrs. Rowling and her order of blood-thirsty lawyers are ready to pounce upon anyone who has the remotest chance to leak any of the content of the book. They work overtime to ensure any leaks are quickly plugged in and the concerned persons prosecuted. Rowling is so much afraid of hackers that she doesn't allow publishing in eBook format. Her manuscripts is worth much more its weight in gold (24 carats). And in the middle of all this charade lies the children; many of them wait late in the night to be one of the early ones to be able to read it. And what do they read?
Comment Guard 0.3 Beta is a bug fix release. Very occassionally the plugin would request a valid commenter to submit his comment again. We have fixed the issue. We will soon ship it to all of our beta-testers. Please update your blog with the latest version and let me know how it goes.
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