Simple Thoughts has always been about technology. However occasionally I like to post something humorous. Today I was browsing through the archives looking for a smile at the end of my day. I collected the 12 best humorous posts since 2006. I present them to you in no particular order. Hope you will enjoy them as much as I did.

In small businesses you will often have the ADSL broadband and telephone line from the same connection. You may also need to setup an EPABX on the connection to share the phone line. For example we use an EPABX to provide 16 internal connections over two external lines, one of which also has the broadband. Here is how you can easily setup both EPABX and your ADSL connection on the same line.
My public profiles on 9 popular social networking sites:
LinkedIn - I have started adding my friends to this. Found some old IITians from this network. Also was able to find some old friends.
Pownce - Just started...
Orkut (requires free Orkut account) - Looks more like a dating network, similar to Friendster.
Ryze - I was one of the early adopters, haven't used lately. It has lots of details about me.
Twitter - I frequently update it these days. Feel free to add me to your list.
Facebook - Requires a free login.
Hi-5 - Pretty spammy site. It dupes unsuspecting users to send hi5 requests to all addresses in their contact book. Avoid this site.
MySpace - My MySpace love.