Google has decided that boring (into) the World Wide Web is not enough and it plans to start drilling into the earth's crust.
1. How can you hack GMail account?
2. How can you protect your GMail account from hackers?
Hackers at Defcon demonstrated a tool to hack into GMail accounts by snooping unencrypted data (man-in-the-middle attack) with cookie which Google GMail uses for everything other than login by default.
Last week Google introduced the ability to optionally encrypt any transmission to / from GMail and not just the login sequence. Previously GMail used to encrypt the login sequence only. All other data was transmitted unencrypted over the wire making such hacking possible. Every email, every article that you are reading on your GMail account is transmitted unencrypted over the web.

Google AdSense! Every day I am losing my faith in Google technologies. How could any context sensitive technology in the whole wide world think wife sharing guide is relevant to people interested in iPhone 3G? I would rather have no ads than ads for wife sharing on my blog.

Twitter (you can follow me here) has the annoying habit of shortening your long and meaningful url to a short meaningless jumble using tinyurl, even when the full url and accompanying text fits into their 140 character limit. For example I posted this article on how you can include multiple jar files in a single jar file in Ant build tool. Twitter automatically shortened the url to this meaningless jumble - So how can you paste meaningfull url's in Twitter without jumbling?
Vodaphone sent the pricing for iPhone 3G 8GB and 16GB models in India and I have to tell you it is daylight robbery!