These days, two things are fairly common for all of us. 1. We are running out of space, 2. We are going for shorter and smaller versions of anything. That is where file compression softwares come in to rescue us from both the plights. They squeeze our files to less space. It takes less space to keep them, lesser to upload and download. So on my quest to find out the best file compression software, I was thoroughly confused. Gone are the days when Winrar and Winzip used to monopolize. There are so many softwares now in the market, I was trying to figure out which one to choose which one to not. Again, another question that came to my mind is, what is the basis of determining better compression tool? So I zeroed on to some criteria and reviewed each software on the basis of those. Criteria for a Good File Compression Tool I had a lot of features to ponder over while doing this. Some of the main features were, The ratio of compressed file size to the actual one Ease of archive creation Ease of archive extraction Time Taken to compress Time taken to decompress File support (How many compressed file formats are supported) Overall Compressibility Index (How does it fair with not only .doc but also with .mp3 and .wmv)
I have read and read through Gizmodo & Lifehacker's enthusiastic posts to find out what's so great about Windows 7. It appears we were mostly right about the features of Windows 7. There were few proposed features that I haven't been able to confirm yet. So far, and I am pained to admit this, I am underwhelmed. The top 5 features of Windows 7 (in no particular order) are:
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