HYDERABAD - Taking objection to certain statements made by the World Bank, India's fourth largest software services company Satyam Computer Services Thursday demanded an apology from the international aid institution.
TAIPEI - A website set up by the Taipei Zoo for the two pandas given to the island by China crashed as too many Taiwanese tried to catch a glimpse of the two cute animals, zoo officials said Thursday.
Amongst all the fuss about spam protection and prevention from your email folder, an absolutely neglected point is, there are times when important mails you send don't reach recipient's inbox but the bulk or spam folder. So your mails are never read. What do you do to be sure of reaching the right people at the right place? So I thought of helping you with 7 tips which will considerably increase your chance to avoid spam folders of your customers or subscribers. This will not only help you personally but also help you to have a boost in your online marketing service.
Gmail, despite being the simple and effective email companion for most of us, takes a hell lot of time to load at start up. This is very annoying for them who don't have a broadband or a slow internet connection. So here is a simple trick that will make your entry to Gmail faster.
This is one of the most annyoing and common bug for Google Chrome which the G- developers have assured that they will get rid of it asap but didn't bother yet. I ran into this error message for the first time I installed Google Chrome browser in my Windows Vista. No wonder Vista is 'loved' by all!
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