NEW DELHI - Noted technocrat Kiran Karnik was Friday named chairman of the scam-hit Satyam Computer Services even as the probe by the Serious Fraud Investigation Office was extended to 325 more companies associated with the beleaguered firm.
HYDERABAD - The market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Friday concluded interrogation of disgraced Satyam Computer Services founder B. Ramalinga Raju and his brother B. Rama Raju in a jail here.
HYDERABAD - Fraud-hit Satyam Computer Services' new chief executive A.S. Murty Friday exhorted techies of the IT bellwether to regain customer confidence and ensure their retention.
It happened just the other day when my friend came confused with a word file I gave him. It did't run on his system. The savoir faire never give up. We got behind it to find what got stuck. Not a hard nut to crack, it was in the format DOCX. Actually the case was that Microsoft Word 2007 files are saved as DOCX and these don't open in Microsoft Word 2000, XP or 2003. My friend was using an MS word 2003. I couldn't let it go this way. I gotta a hack to convert the .docx to .doc or other compatible formats to be viewed in other word processing softwares and applications. I'll let you the hack, and that even without a fees.
The simplest way to start this topic is, PHPBB is hacked. You must have heard of it by now. And there is an equal chance that you haven't. A community with almost 200.000 human members and 400,000 subscribed users have lost their privacy inside that community and there was nothing PHPBB could do but to put up a foolish status message like this just below.
But the question is, how did the hacker (say script kiddie if you like, but I don't think 90% of the people naming him that can do half of what he did. No glorification though) do it? Here is a step by step description.