NEW DELHI - The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Friday registered a case against disgraced Satyam founder B. Ramalinga Raju for the Rs.70 billion fraud and constituted a multi-disciplinary investigation team (MDIT) for the probe.
NEW DELHI - An estimated 500,000 jobs were lost in India from September to December last year in areas like textiles, automobiles and information technology, and the actual numbers across the country could be higher, parliament was informed Friday.
NOIDA - A 22-year-old woman, wife of a software engineer, committed suicide at her home here, police said Friday.
App store is getting overcrowded with iPhone apps. Now how do you get the best ones, except for live reviews and remarks.This time it's a game, it's i suffixed to the horror legend Dracula. iDracula had already caught up the rage when I got it. Well it reminds me of Coppola's overextended Bram Stoker's Dracula that had Anthony Hopkins fighting out a vam-Pyrrhic war. But things are a bit different with the iDracula game. You do the vampire hunter Van Helsing. You'll get me if I goof. It's the other round, you are being hunted by monsters rather.
Userful Multiplier has been much talked about for its innovation that could virtually turn 1 ordinary PC into 10. This time the company has joined hands with ThinNetworks to supply 356,800 virtualized desktops to schools in all of Brazil's 5,560 municipalities. It's the largest ever virtual desktop deployment in the world. Computers have grown into   daily lives. This has driven the IT companies to focus on programs and initiatives to spread computer education at school level.  Userful's new efforts are being etched out to enlighten the school students on Computer.
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