The bodies of a software professional, his wife and baby daughter, killed by his Indian American brother-in-law in California last month, were brought to their native Ayyankolli village in Tamil Nadu's Nilgiris district Friday for the last rites. The bodies of Ashokan, his wife Suchitra and their daughter Ahaana, were brought to Bangalore by a flight early Friday and then to Ayyankolli in the district, 550 km southwest of state capital Chennai, by road, family sources said.
BRUSSELS - Microsoft had been given one more week to answer charges filed by the European Union (EU) that the US software giant abused its dominant market position by bundling Internet Explorer with Windows.
EGroupWare is a free open source groupware or collaborative software designed for small businesses and enterprises. It is a joint effort by a group of active volunteers. The eGroupWare community comprises developers, doc-wirters, artists and any other kind of opensource supportive people. Primarily, it enables the businesses to manage contacts, appointments, projects, to-do-list and other applications. It is a groupware server with an web based interface that allows access to data from any platform across the world. EGroupaWare offers a wide range of synchronization protocols with different clients. It is a lightweight workgroup support systems and can be integrated with an existing email setup. Let's have an indiscriminate and exhaustive idea about the applications offered by the groupware.
You are at your receptive best when its the student life. Be it studies, sports, extracurriculars, fashion - you excel or get yourself hooked in almost every where. While most of the time gadgets talk of entertainment, there are a few times when they can be useful too. In student life, some helping gizmos can really solve a lotta problems and take you to a new height. That is why Gadgetophilia has tried to pluck through a million of scattered electronic wonders and got 10 very best gadgets for students in place. Talk of necessity, introduction to the geeky world, productivity - they have in them to talk of it all. So why don't you buy some for your child and give a really meaningful gift so that he can prospur in his education?
One says, you can not predict the future but we can surely make a wish list or see today's progress and make an assumptions of what to come next. Such prophecy is all the more interesting when it comes from the world of gadgets. There are numerous gadgets which are existing as a promising concept but can soon be real or bite the dust due to lack of reality check. But as gadget lovers, should we not try and foresee the future? Should we not talk about future gadgets and let an elusive picture play in our minds?
Well sure we should. Gadgetophilia brings in top 10 future gadgets for you which include
TimeFlex tattoo watch
Foldable DVD player
Citizen's Memory LCD
B-Membrain Computer
and many more.
So why don't you just peek in and say hi to the future of our gadgets' world.
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