Anouncement: The Stem Cell Blog - News and Hard Facts on Stem Cell Research and Treatment Options
By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News NetworkSaturday, July 2, 2005
We have forked of our coverage of Stem Cell Research news and views in our recently launched The Stem Cell Blog. You will find it much more active than it was under the folds of multi-faceted Simple Thoughts Blog.
I think we can do better justice to this topic (Stem Cell Research) in an independent blog of its own. The subject is very close to my heart as I believe that Stem Cell Research holds promise of cure for many hard diseases of today.
My objective with The Stem Cell Blog is to bring the latest news and hard facts about progress in Stem Cell Research and Treatment options worldwide.
Over the past year I have been getting hundreds of queries and question on stem cell research initiatives which I realized I would be better able to address through an independent blog.
BTW: Over next few weeks several topics covered in Simple Thoughts Blog will also be separated into independent blogs for better and more extensive coverage. It also helps providing targeted content.
Simple Thoughts Blog will slowly move back to its original purpose - News and Views on Java and Web Technologies.
Tags: Eye, Facts, Justice, Stem Cell Research
March 10, 2009: 4:29 am
Let’s think of how many Americans are suffering from ailments and what this research can do for them. I’m sure everyone reading this knows someone important to them that is affected by one of these maladies.Research in the U.S.has not progressed since earlier this decade, cures are a very long time away and lets not even discuss the approval requirement by the FDA. At least this can be seen as a huge step forward to join the rest of the world at bringing about cures that could help millions of people including you and I some day. |
February 27, 2009: 7:22 am
Very quietly, buried in a 3 page article on platelet rich plasma and horse and athlete injury treatments was this epic and monumental bombshell! Do NOT underestimate how significant this is. Up till this point, the US medical establishment thought that adult stem cells were unproven, of limited potential and a waste of time and money. Now the big daddy of them all, the NIH, is jumping in with both feet! This is not a secondary back up treatment to improve red blood cell levels after chemo. This is the NIH advocating THE USE OF ADULT STEM CELLS TO TREAT DEBILITATING MEDICAL CONDITIONS! You heard it here first! -DG “The National Institutes for Health seem to think regenerating human muscle and bone using a person’s own adult stem cells is nearly ready for prime time. Last week, the NIH announced to its staff that it’s CREATING A BONE MARROW-(ADULT) STEM CELL TRANSPLANT CENTER within the NIH Clinical Research Center.” This is the first step of a long road but maybe one day soon, the multitude of Americans suffering with diseases that can be improved with adult stem cells will not have to travel overseas for treatments. We can only hope. -DG |
January 7, 2009: 4:55 pm
Casey Nabavi and Cellulogix Biosciences currently are treating with stem cells in Zona Rio, Mexico, and Istanbul Turkey. They will be operational in Germany, Russia, as well as Cabo San Lucas in the early part of 2009. |
![]() Tom M |
February 29, 2008: 12:35 pm
One can only hope that bushie and shotgun dick both die painfully in office so the special interests can be thwarted and the world become a better place. Fuch them! |
July 24, 2007: 1:41 pm
Please visit my son’s web site. His story will inspire people to support the stem cell enhancement act. Daniel might not live past the age of 2 without true stem cell therapy. |
![]() kevin |
November 13, 2006: 11:05 am
The far right seems to miss the fact that these cells, once the human stem cell’s dna is placed in the egg, cannot replicate into a human. There is no ethical argument. Also, the embryos (which are in a virtual microscopic state) are usually the product of couples who were trying to get pregnant, and did. Therefore, they don’t want to develop the embryos into babies, even if they could. THAT would be immoral, as people would end up possibly unknowingly mating with their genetic siblings—is THAT moral? The RIGHT is wrong, misinformed and confused as always. It seems that all they can hear is the thumping of their bibles. Bif Pharm probably has something to do with it also. Apparently, they want the patent on “stemicillin” before anyone else gets it. I, for one, hope that the stemicillin cure is coming soon. |
![]() blowinginthewind |
August 24, 2006: 2:08 pm
Hi TRILLIONS California is known worldwide as the tech leader in many areas …. Silicon valley …. Hollywood Film Tech……Special FX etc ….the Voters HERE in California passed Propostion 71 to Begin a STATE Sponsored Policy of Stem Cell Research Funding ….. the people of America are lulled into thinking, well, California is doing it …we will all benefit pretty soon anyway from Stem Cell Research …California is on it …… we can forget about it …it will happen now…….this is a Flase Hope and Understanding that is being deliberately peddled by th NEOCON leadership of California to further their agenda …and here is how they are doing it : THE Voters HERE in California passed Propostion 71 to Begin a STATE Sponsored Policy of Stem Cell Research Funding ….. Then HERE COMES THE Life Legal Defense Foundation which is the SAME EXACT organization which sponsored the RECALL Governor Gray DAVIS campaign which swept SCHWARZENEGGER into office ……The Life Legal Defense Foundation has brought what “groundless lawsuits” …… to HALT the STEM CELL RESEARCH funding the Voters Voted For and the SAME ORGANIZATION that GOT GRAY DAVIS RECALLED and SCHWARZENEGGAR HANDED THE GOVERNORSHIP (which everyone here in CALI knows was an ENRON BLACK OP OVERSPILL –the fake California Energy Crisis of 2002) The Life Legal Defense Foundation is suing to stop the sale of $3 billion in Proposition 71 embryonic stem cell research bonds ….. SCHWARZENEGGAR now says …”Oh I am for stem cell research now” is a measly $150 million to show my good faith” …Bullshit …. Bullshit …and more Austrian Ca-ca —–the same Organization that CONVIENTLY PLACED THE GUVERNATER in office is now suing him in a FAKE lawsuit to stop the Brilliant VOTER APPROVED California State Policy of FUNDING STEM CELL RESEARCH ……and he is gladly obliging them in the WHY ….BIG PHARMA …Read POST 46 …TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS in dollars recouped in THEAPIES NOT CURES …THERAPIES NOT CURES …that is Soylant Green Here folks —if you are a blogger….if you are active—- PLEASE get this Particular story out ….I have Cancer and I know this will help people like me ……GET THIS STORY out ….Big PHARMA is the enemy in collusion with the NEOCON agenda ….they want the PATENTS —THE PATENTS ARE WORTH TRILLIONS —–they are stretching things out in COURT till they secure the Research and the PATENTS and see who is helping them ? Here is the LINK …please pass this POST and story on DOES BIG PHARMA LINE Schwarzeneggar’s Pockets …Hell YES … content/ showarticle.cfm?ItemID=6382 For the success of the STEM CELL RESEARCH FUNDING …for our families, friends and loved ones …..tell the people about this bullshit in California …BLOG on and PASS THIS ON Derail their secret agendas piece by piece ….. |
August 11, 2006: 7:46 am
[...] Nicholas A. Rhoades voiced the strong need for a frank discussion on embryonic stem cell research and the core issue surrounding it in his comments on Simple Thoughts blog. If we are to have a frank discussion on this topic (and hopefully move foward), we need to recognize what it is that we are really debating. [...] |
August 11, 2006: 7:45 am
Thanks for highlighting the core issues. I have posted your comment as a separate post on the stem cell blog to encourage people to come forward and for wider audience of your thoughts. Take care, |
![]() Nicholas A. Rhoades |
August 11, 2006: 2:43 am
If we are to have a frank discussion on this topic (and hopefully move foward), we need to recognize what it is that we are really debating. Right now, in the media and political circles at least, both sides of the the stem-cell debate are yelling right past each other. On the one hand, those who support embryonic stem cell research argue that this line of research offers great promise to eventually cure many devestating diseases, and that we should proceed in the hopes of fullfilling this promise. On the other hand, those that oppose embryonic stem cell research argue that it is wrong to destroy one human life to cure another, an anti ends justifies the means argument. In truth, most people of both ideologies would agree to both these suppositions. It is a worthwhile goal to try and cure disease and eleviate suffering. It is also wrong to kill one human to help another. These general moral statements could probably be found in most religious and secular moral codes anywhere. Certainly, when we hear the politicians ‘debate’ this issue, all they do is spout either of these principles. But what are we not hearing? What we are not hearing, what the politicians and media are afraid of debating is the real basis of argument between both sides: Is an embryo a human life? To be fair, the conservative anti embryonic stem cell research side does frequently use the stance that embryo’s are human life to justify their opposition. The liberal pro research side unfortunately refuses to address this argument. So, is an embryo the kind if thing that has rights, and should be protected. For my part, I say no. Embryos do not exhibit any of the unique qualities a human being that has rights does. An embryo does not feal pain, does not have a sense of self, can not make decisions, could never make decision, has no consciousness, and by itself does not even have a potential for developing any of these qualities. The arguemnt noted above is a very quick and general one, but at bottom will lead to the true heart of the issue, religion. The conservatives believe that an emryo is life because of religious convictions. And because we live in a society that says that everyone’s opinion is equally valid, and because the democrats are afraid to challenge anyone’s religious beliefs, we are stuck in a quagmire of rhetoric where both sides are saying things that everyone believs, and no one is really talking about the things that we do have differences on. And no one yet has made the argument that the religious right can not prove their case and further more that their religious convictions have no place in a legal system that is suppoed to govern everyone, not just members of their church. And what happens as a result? People continue to suffer and die everyday from these diseases that could potentially be cured all in the name of political correctness. So, do call your congressmen and women to tell them how you feel. But more importantly, call them and tell them to stop being more concerned with their poll rating than with suffering and death and live up to the responsibilities we have givin them. |
July 21, 2006: 8:04 am
Hello–My name is Charles Hux and I am a high risk Ob/Gyn and a geneticist . It is unfortunate that the President vetoed this bill but the research will proceed throughout the world no matter what happens in the US. We will not be the leading nation in this area of research but that doesnt matter in the long run. As you may know Infertility doctors throw away in the human disposal thousands of fertilized and unfertilized eggs every yrar–so this is why the Presidents logic is flawed and without reason. Dr Frist wouldnt disagree with “W” unless his reasoning were senseless which it is.. Why shouldnt we try to help those of us living on this planet have better more productive lives with this incredible potential of Stem Cell Therapy–Stem cells will help extend life and improve the quality of life in 10-30 years which may be in our lifetime. Use of stem cells in heart disease , diabetes, cancer neurologic disease is just the tip of the iceberg.CALL YOUR CONGRESSMAN OR SENATOR AND LET THEM KNOW HOW YOU FEEL. Have a great day!! |
July 21, 2006: 8:00 am
Hello–My name is Charles Hux and I am a high risk Ob/Gyn and a geneticist . It is unfortunate that the President vetoed this bill but the research will proceed throughout the world no matter what happens in the US. We will not be the leading nation in this area of research but that doesnt matter in the long run. As you may know Infertility doctors throw away in the human disposal thousands of fertilized and unfertilized eggs every yrar–so this is why the Presidents logic is flawed and without reason. Dr Frist wouldnt disagree with “W” unless his reasoning were senseless which it is.. Why shouldnt we try to help those of us living on this planet have better more productive lives with this incredible potential of Stem Cell Therapy–Stem cells will help extend life and improve the quality of life in 10-30 years which may be in our lifetime. Use of stem cells in heart disease , diabetes, cancer neurologic disease is just the tip of the iceberg.CALL YOUR CONGRESSMAN OR SENATOR AND LET THEM KNOW HOW YOU FEEL. Have a great day!! |