DragonBall Z in Hindi: A Tragedy!

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Monday, April 30, 2007

It was very frustrating to watch DragonBall Z dubbed poorly in Hindi in Cartoon Network, India today. It is murder, plain and simple. DBZ sucks in Hindi and that too with a really sad voiceover of Raditz. Finally Cartoon Network started airing a decent serial and they goofed up again by providing Hindi dubbing, oh the horror!

Filed under: India

December 18, 2010: 11:57 pm

I like it verymuch but in hindi it would be more nice.good bye friends

June 23, 2010: 11:48 pm

hy i want see all episodes of dragon ball z in hindi online please

June 11, 2010: 10:04 pm

hi dbz is my favourite cartoon serial but i cant see it not so much because iam live in hostel and there are no arrangenment of tv socan you help me to download all episodes in hindi language

May 30, 2010: 9:57 pm

I am very crazy about watching dragon ball z and i am very angry about its restart.

April 10, 2010: 12:56 pm

i want drogan ball Z all episod in hindi dubbed
plz help me

ganga singh
January 6, 2010: 12:39 pm

they are mad they have to star kid buu saga

November 4, 2009: 11:53 am

hey i have seen all those episodes of dragonball z and trust me i enjoy it lot and i had a one more wish to see the dragonball gt in hindi becoz i just love to watch it.

September 28, 2009: 6:01 am

please send dbz and dbgt episodes.please

August 20, 2009: 7:53 am

goku you can kill magin boo

August 8, 2009: 1:37 pm

I am a very big fan of dragon ball z

July 8, 2009: 6:26 am

I like Dragon Ball Z very much but i am not getting the hindi episodes in the internet. please somebody help me to get dragon ball z episode in hindi anurag_singh7862009@yahoo.com

July 8, 2009: 6:22 am

I like Dragon Ball Z very much but i am not getting the hindi episodes in the internet.

June 9, 2009: 12:18 pm


I am Zeal.I am from Mumbai (India)

I got all the episodes of Dragon Ball Z (In ENglish)
If any 1 needs it mail me to vorazeal@in.com

June 9, 2009: 12:16 pm


I Am Zeal… I live in Mumbai (India)

I have all Dragon Ball Z episodes (In English)
If you need mail me to vorazeal@in.com


Nabeel zaidi
June 2, 2009: 10:51 am

Hi my name is nabeel zaidi…………………..
My favourite characters on cartoon are Ben10 alien force,,, Naruto series 2,,,Dragon ball z,,, and Blue Dragon…….. if any one can send me full episode of these cartoon then please contact me at nabeelzaidi@ymail.com

May 2, 2009: 2:25 pm

Hi Guyz !! DBZ really Rockzzz Can somebody give me any guidance how can i buy dvds or download episodes of dbz in hindi?? plz help me plz i love it and wanna own !!! my id: mishal.bhatt@yahoo.co.in

April 13, 2009: 6:51 pm

i love dragon ball z i’ve not missed any of the episodes its so cool looking at super saiyans like goku vegita trunks gotenks and brolly

April 13, 2009: 12:57 pm

Hey……all u ppl..if u wanna know ..how to download dbz episodes…contact me on my E-mail id

March 30, 2009: 4:10 pm

I like Dragon Ball Z very much but i am not getting the hindi episodes in the internet.

February 16, 2009: 2:26 pm

cartoon network wale tom jerry is a frustating
show even kids are do not see dem bcuz it is
**** . dbz is best cartoon bcuz of action .
but cartoon network wale dnt new episode

February 9, 2009: 8:38 pm

hey gus dragon ball z all episode download in this web site. and dragon ball /z/gt all movies…………………….enjoy

February 9, 2009: 5:57 pm

Guys.. I have seen all episodes of dragonball, Z , GT. When I switched on my TV, I found that DBZ IN CN IS 0_o.. Its Absolutely frustrating..I wd really like it if its in English.. Believe me guys if u see DBZ in English once, ur never gonna like the Hindi one…The Hindi one’s from the older dub compared to the english remake..Thats why it can be a bit frustrating

December 12, 2008: 8:26 am

i love dragon ball z more than my life

November 25, 2008: 11:12 pm

I like dragon ball Z

November 12, 2008: 2:39 am

Hindi is one disgusting language. You talk anything it sounds disgusting. And dubbing anything is even more disgusting… “Hindi - Disgusting Language”.

November 7, 2008: 5:51 am

hi i want to download dbz episodes in hindi can any one plz show me the way where i can download it in hindi plzz my Email add pranal_shinde2000@yahoo.com

September 20, 2008: 4:30 am

Hey! dragon ballz is one of my faorite cartoon show
In this show GOKU and GOHAN is realy too good Satyans

June 11, 2008: 12:19 pm

hi i want to download dbz episodes in hindi can any one plz show me the way where i can download it in hindi plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

June 9, 2008: 12:57 am

hey, my ID is pullusood@gmail.com, if you want to download all db,z,gt episdoes and movies contact me.

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