How to Add Your Own Face in Place of Browser Address Bar Logo

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Do you want to play with a little trick now? Well, its good to have some light-hearted fun amidst all these serious geeky talks. Do you see the browser address bar logo? Why don’t we change it through a simple trick?First you need to create a Favicon  - Favorites  Icon.

What is Favicon?

Favicon is a feature which helps to add a icon or logo of your web site  which is displayed before the web site address.

How can I Create My Favicon ?

It’s very easy to create a Favicon icon. First you need to make a logo for your web site. Make the size of the logo to 15×15 pixels size and save the image as favicon.ico.

Click here to create your favicon.ico.


Google icon

After your have created the favicon.ico then upload the image in your root directory of your web site.

If you don’t have access to your root directory, add this HTML tag to your web page between the < HEAD>< /HEAD > tag.

< link rel= “shortcut icon” href=”favicon.ico” >

You need to add the web page to your favorites and reopen the web page your see your logo before your website address.

[Get rid of the spaces between < and the immediate alphabet after that]

will not be displayed