How to unrar multi-part rar files (*.r00) in Ubuntu 8.10 in Two Simple Steps

By Partho, Gaea News Network
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Rapidshare is one of the most used file sharing servers in the web. But Rapidshare is not that liberal to set every service free. For people who don’t like to pay to download a file, it doesn’t let him download more than 200MB at a time. What if you have a file size larger than that? Well its simple. You upload it by parts with rar segmentations. So, if you are an avid lover of downloading free movies and software from your computer, the most frustrating point is to realize that file was corrupt or suppose the movie didn’t have the same picture quality what you had expected. But you are helpless by then. You have downloaded all the parts and wasted the time, bandwidth and the energy too. Is there any easy way to avoid this so that you can download a single file and have a sleek preview of what the file looks like? Generally no. But I have a solution for Ubuntu users. Lemme bring it on.

Here’s your clue to get rid of the crisis

Usually the archives are in the format - filename.r00, filename.r01, filename.r02, filename.r03 etc.
Follow the simple steps below to unarchieve the files

Step 1

Go to the Applications look for Accessories and from it get to the Terminal and paste the code below

sudo apt-get install unrar

Step 2

As you do this, the unrar is installed. Next double click the .r00 file. The file opens in Archive manager and you can now unrar it.

That’ll all, you are done. Now you know how to unrar a file and watch a clip before watching the whole movie.


An adult...
May 4, 2010: 6:26 pm

After coming across a number of these answers on this “blog” I’ve concluded that’s run by a young child or some pranksters. If not then start reading and thinking a bit more before continuing to spew this nonsense and bullshit.

Peace :)

April 17, 2010: 12:59 am

thanks for this! solved my problem

February 17, 2010: 12:17 pm

hello nice tip, just one note, what do you call: the Terminal?? i can´t find it…I go to the Applications look for Accessories and from it, i can find what you call Terminal, is the run.exe you are talking about?

By the way, i doing in windows vista.

Many thanks.


October 5, 2009: 1:51 pm

You should rename that post “How to extract ONE SINGLE PART of a multi-part rar”
@ DavidMB: Thanks for giving the actual answer.

September 15, 2009: 6:17 pm

can the resulting un-rar’d files simply be catted together for a single file?

May 16, 2009: 3:55 pm

How to extract everything from a multi-part rar archive with unrar to an other directory:

unrar e multi.part.files.rar /extract/to/this/directory

unrar = the program to use :)
e = extract files to current directory (if not specified with an other directory)
multi.part.files.rar = the first rar-file of the archive along .r01, .r02, etc.
/extract/to/this/directory = the directory to extract the contents of the archive to.

It works for me if I use the first rar file (.rar). The other ones are usually called .r01, r.21, .r52, etc.

Hope this helps.

May 11, 2009: 9:42 pm

Got an equivalent method but in command-line for Ubuntu Server?

March 26, 2009: 1:10 pm

Smart guy!

You just go in there and click it like Windows.

But for us who are in a commandline situation this tip was just a waste of time.

So, how do you unrar spanned archives using unrar command i linux?

Besides, this text has floated down below the textarea. Better checking the css here.

February 11, 2009: 2:52 pm

thanks a lot…

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