Marketing Plan Template in a Page (Results in 24 Page Plan)

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Friday, May 5, 2006

Kelly Odell posted an interesting marketing plan template which should result in a marketing plan of roughly 24 pages.
marketing plan
You should try to answer each square in the template with no more that one page including diagrams and pictures. This will result in a marketing plan of no more than 24 pages. Link

I liked it and I am planning to put it to use soon.

Filed under: Headline News, Marketing, Web
February 15, 2010: 2:32 pm

Every link that you provided here is very useful, I have personally used the How to Edit Any Web Page in 1 minute before in the past. This can really help anyone that is looking to improve their business!

January 28, 2009: 10:03 pm

Jeff Paul reigns as the King of internet marketing arrived on the T.V over ten years ago.showing ways of earning money by sitting at home.

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