Rampant Online Content Duplication…
By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News NetworkTuesday, April 15, 2008
While looking for VOIP information I found an article which looked eerily familiar to another article I had recently read. A simple google search (remember that Google lists a small subset of total matches) with a big identifying
phrase from the article yielded 2110 articles.
Most of the pages on the front page are not ranked but most of the sites rank highly in Alexa. Do these people really care about page rank anymore? It is sickening to see such content duplication. The net is increasingly becoming a garbage dump of get rich quickers.
October 29, 2009: 12:48 pm
Oh, you mean third world losers with names like Angsuman who post shitloads of crap right? |
eat me