Discussion on Stats: Over 55.5 Million Pages Powered By WordPress…
November 8, 2010: 10:51 am
I have both, blooger and wordpress. Wordpress offers more features for the experienced blogger. |
September 23, 2010: 7:04 am
It really fun and am pleased to read your article. |
![]() Tiffany |
August 5, 2010: 6:29 am
this was pretty fun to read |
August 2, 2010: 11:31 am
i am self-studying web design coz building websites is my passion::: |
July 16, 2010: 1:10 pm
this post its very helpful for me, i said many thabks, i will adding feed this blog now. keep update my friends |
July 16, 2010: 4:22 am
this is awesome post, thank you . its very helpfully for me, many thanks anda i will adding feed this blog |
July 14, 2010: 2:43 am
Hello!It is very interesting. |
July 14, 2010: 1:17 am
good post! i will said many thanks for you. its very helpfull for me, i will adiing feed your blog now |
July 1, 2010: 6:46 am
I’ve been most successful using your last suggestion. Nothing else has worked. I’m unable to “stack” these for some reason, so I’d love to figure that out, but thanks for the tips so far. |
June 30, 2010: 2:50 am
Hi!I like what you said. |
June 26, 2010: 10:57 am
thx a lot for information. |
June 24, 2010: 9:32 am
Wordpress is a very good blogging engine. I rate it A+ for its user friendly interface, strong community and its ability to function as a CMS. There is no doubt about its popularity. The downside is security issues and loading time. Still I am a big fan of this open source blogging platform. |
June 20, 2010: 4:56 am
WordPress default theme (Kubrick based) does not display sidebar on single post page. However with a minor change in the theme you can make it to display sidebar. |
June 17, 2010: 6:55 am
If you are going to have a blog Wordpress is the place to do it. |
June 15, 2010: 5:45 am
Ohh thanx admins (; |
June 13, 2010: 4:04 am
Man, that is really a great post. Thanks for sharing, it really helps me alot! |
June 7, 2010: 10:30 pm
May 13th, 2005 Note: My WordPress database name is wordpress. |
June 4, 2010: 3:58 am
Thanks you for your post, i like it. |
June 1, 2010: 2:29 am
...for close to 20 yrs. Any ideas how I could migrate my experiences to another profession. I'm going back... |
May 29, 2010: 2:14 am
Nice Blog thanks for sharing…. |
May 7, 2010: 6:58 am
this kind of blog always useful for blog readers, it helps people during research. your post is one of the same for blog readers. |
April 29, 2010: 12:08 pm
Adwords is really good in driving traffic to your website. however, they are very strict right now and they would not easily approve websites that they thought have low quality content. *- |
April 28, 2010: 6:20 pm
Thank you very much for your post share. Great I really like your blog and I have learned something from it. |
April 26, 2010: 2:12 am
yeah wordpress is going very faster day by day... by the way .. its great blog .. |
April 14, 2010: 6:17 am
Many institutions limit access to their online information. Making this information available will be an asset to all. |
March 29, 2010: 1:54 am
i like this blog |
March 13, 2010: 10:44 am
nice post for readers. |
March 9, 2010: 1:56 am
Hello, interesting to read this. i also get knowledge from your post.Wonderful article, very well explained. |
February 28, 2010: 4:10 pm
Great and simple cms |
February 28, 2010: 4:09 pm
I have 8 sites and all of them on WP :) It's very simple and functional CMS. |
February 7, 2010: 9:41 am
Wordpress is a giant of blog platforms like google of search engines ;) |
February 2, 2010: 8:40 pm
Good web site and good post. Thanks |
January 19, 2010: 2:09 pm
Thanks for the info ... great post! :) |
January 15, 2010: 4:38 am
thanks for the post. |
December 19, 2009: 4:33 am
A useful post, I think. Thank you. I need it, searching on yahoo, I see you site. |
December 16, 2009: 2:59 am
Thanks for the article, very helpful. I will study it |
December 10, 2009: 2:06 am
Its good that word press is giving it for freeeeeeeee |
December 9, 2009: 1:52 pm
Thanks, it is good article |
September 23, 2009: 4:52 am
my blog is powered by wrdpress |
September 23, 2009: 4:51 am
wow that is it!Wordpress is the best |
August 26, 2009: 7:49 am
my blog is powered by wrdpress.In china Z-blog system also popular |
August 17, 2009: 6:20 pm
55 Mil and growing! |
July 27, 2009: 9:42 pm
What else can you say about Wordpress , the plug ins that are available are truly amazing . Top marks. |
June 13, 2009: 6:03 pm
what bout 2008 data? |
June 13, 2009: 6:02 pm
Best one.. |
May 20, 2009: 7:28 am
That's not surprising at all. WP deserves every bit of its popularity. |
May 16, 2009: 2:57 am
Wordpress is taking over the world. haha |
May 6, 2009: 11:05 am
Your blog is an excellent source of information on php related stuff. Keep up the good work! |
May 5, 2009: 9:38 pm
Today Google gives out more than 130 million links. |
April 27, 2009: 3:41 pm
Thank you very much for sharing us! I really appreciate your posts, and they help a lot for people like me... I am going to bookmark this site and look forward to your next posts :) TYVM! |
April 27, 2009: 2:51 pm
Thank you very much for this! This is so amazing :P I'm gonna share it in twitter ^ .^ |
April 27, 2009: 1:20 pm
This is really helpful especially to people like me.. Thank you very much for sharing us this great information.. |
![]() Hargreaves |
April 26, 2009: 10:37 pm
A fantastic post! Interesting read. Going to follow this blog closely in the future. Looking forward to the next update! Regards Andre |
April 26, 2009: 10:08 pm
A fantastic post! Interesting read. Going to follow this blog closely in the future. Looking forward to the next update! Regards Andre |
March 23, 2009: 3:33 pm
Thanks to the article, it make the life seo/link building easier and make the commenter come back again and again. |
March 20, 2009: 9:48 pm
wow! it's so amazing and very wonderful! thank you very much for sharing ;) I have found something good today! yay! |
March 20, 2009: 7:59 pm
Now if only the economy grew as fast as wordpress. |
February 24, 2009: 11:06 pm
Nice post! And Wordpress is a very good! |
February 5, 2009: 6:06 am
I enjoyed reading your work! GREAT post! I looked around for this... but I found you! :) Anyway, would you mind if I threw up a backlink from my site at whiterabbitcult.com to your site? |
February 4, 2009: 9:16 am
Wordpress is definatley the best option out there, got to love the wordpress .com free blogs as a learning tool. |
February 3, 2009: 4:39 pm
I love Wordpress, dude! |
January 22, 2009: 12:35 pm
nice post man! very informative. |
January 16, 2009: 6:19 am
Its very big company! |
January 7, 2009: 9:41 pm
Very impressive! Très impressionnant! |
January 7, 2009: 9:40 pm
Très impressionnant! Very impressive! |
November 29, 2008: 7:57 am
hi how are you doing? |
November 17, 2008: 2:08 pm
Interesting post! Talk about market penetration .... blogs are taking over the world, one WP at atime..... |
November 5, 2008: 5:51 am
Personally, I think wordpress has become way to common place now. Which is why I decided not to use wordpress, but instead create my own custom comment website. |
October 13, 2008: 5:24 pm
c'est vraiment enorme ! |
October 12, 2008: 11:12 am
I have been using blogger but might attempt a wordpress blog as everyone seems to be using it! |
October 11, 2008: 11:23 am
Amazing stats! It is quite possible because EVERYBODY uses wordpress:) This figure should also include splogs and “automated blogs”, so the actual figure of true blog pages may be significantly less. |
October 5, 2008: 2:57 pm
I have been having great success with my wordpress blogs, and as someone stated earlier that its easy to install, I think if you monetize your wordpress blogs the right way, they will be very successful for you too. |
August 31, 2008: 2:36 pm
55.5 million pages is big but i still believe frontpage is easier to use. Using the simplist designs are always best. |
August 22, 2008: 10:05 pm
Great information! Thanks for writing this. It is an honor to participate in the discussion. |
![]() Chris D |
June 12, 2008: 4:37 pm
Wordpress is great easy to install even for guys like me who have no tech skills. I go lucky thou I had my hosting company Server Intellect install it for me. Now I just blog blog blog all day long=) LOVE IT! |
May 26, 2008: 1:20 pm
Persons with diabetes should keep their blood sugar at a healthy level to prevent or slow down diabetes problems. Ask your doctor or diabetes teacher what a healthy blood sugar level is for you. Your blood sugar can get too high if you eat too much. If your blood sugar becomes too high, you can get sick. Your blood sugar can also go too high if you do not take the right amount of diabetes medicine. Diabetes Symptom at https://diets-diabetes.blogspot.com |
April 27, 2008: 9:26 pm
Amazing stats! It is quite possible because EVERYBODY uses wordpress:) This figure should also include splogs and "automated blogs", so the actual figure of true blog pages may be significantly less. |
April 17, 2008: 1:39 am
The success result of a true # 1 blogging platform (or CMS perhaps?).:-) I\'m a blogger user too Kate but there\'s nothing much excitement going on in it. WP is a very happy community this might be the reason I have to switch to WP. -jan |
April 13, 2008: 3:37 pm
I have been using blogger but might attempt a wordpress blog as everyone seems to be using it! |
April 11, 2008: 12:56 pm
Well it is simple. wordpress is a great setup and layout and is easy to perform SEO, unlike premade companies such as blogger which require a lot of setup, thats why there are so many users. I am sure that there are many many more that arent even indexed, so 55.5 million may seem like a lowball estimate! |
April 7, 2008: 4:23 pm
Wow 55.5 million pages. I knew word press was popular but had no idea. Been looking to start a blog and looking at the choices to do so. I guess word press is it |
March 28, 2008: 9:05 pm
Yes, unless they have decided to remove the "Powered by WordPress" text. |
March 28, 2008: 2:35 am
Are these stats only for WordPress-hosted blogs, or does it include the many thousands of blogs that are hosted on peoples' own domains? |
March 7, 2008: 5:46 pm
And just to think, they\'re just the wordpress blogs that are listed by google. I imaging thousands more will have been created and google doesn\'t bother to crawl them. Wordpress has really established itself as the blogging CMS standard.. |
![]() Pets |
February 26, 2008: 12:25 am
Wordpress is the best place to blog anything and everything that you can think of! -Terrie |
February 10, 2008: 8:25 pm
Wordpress is the only way to go, theres to many options with wordpress that i really like. |
![]() Zoli Juhasz |
January 28, 2008: 1:21 pm
Really interesting post! Never stop iterating and don’t fear failure. Choose well-understood conventions where they will do to the most good , shortcuts you might take will cost you more to fix later than to try to get right up-front today. Thanks , Zoli Juhasz |
January 19, 2008: 11:12 am
That is impressive! I've just ran a google trends to compare wordpress and joomla though - joomla came out on top! |
January 4, 2008: 4:25 am
this is very important anr usefull thanks very |
January 3, 2008: 6:36 pm
holy mackerel. those numbers are sick! that growth chart is unbelievable. can you imagine what goes into powering and maintaining that network! |
January 3, 2008: 10:30 am
Powered is great! I used to have my blogs powered by blogger until about 5 months ago,, it rocks! |
January 1, 2008: 9:22 pm
I'm not surprised at the figures, considering Wordpress is so versatile. 55.5 million pages is still huge though isn't it! Nobody should be bored with all that content. |
December 28, 2007: 12:42 am
i have different opinion about this..i think it doesn't matter...if the blog has good unique and fresh content updated regularly, especially written for readers, with good backlinks and blog navigation, any blog can win...it's a matter of focus and heading in right the way |
![]() Henry |
December 23, 2007: 2:14 am
I certainly have to agree. I have three WP blogs for myself, and have installed many for my clients. Simple to use, easy enough to modify, definitely a great products. |
December 14, 2007: 9:43 am
Wordpress It's way better than blogger, that's the reason. |
December 11, 2007: 5:03 pm
WordPress is simply the best. That's the reason why so many people choose it. It's also FREE! |
December 11, 2007: 2:41 pm
Wordpress is amazing. I'm hoping it can help us set up our computer consulting blog. |
December 10, 2007: 5:06 am
ha..! i too love wordpress.. but for free hosting! :( that is the issue.. Now thinking of a migration! |
December 7, 2007: 10:10 pm
yes those are staggering numbers! i myself, have have over 30 blogs at the time of this writing! Blogs ROCK!! |
December 7, 2007: 9:47 am
ooh a really fast growing! |
December 6, 2007: 4:31 pm
Wordpress stats are staggering! If you are going to have a blog Wordpress is the place to do it. |
![]() web hosting review |
November 12, 2007: 7:56 am
Now I understand one thing... if someone needs real good info on wordpress, this is the place to be! |
![]() bukmacher |
November 10, 2007: 7:18 am
great site, this is what i am looking for |
![]() Wespire |
November 9, 2007: 10:32 pm
I have 1 blog of 55.5 Million :) |
November 7, 2007: 7:41 pm
Wordpress community grows very fast :) |