NEW YORK - Shares of Adobe soared in heavy trading Thursday on a report that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer discussed a possible buyout of the company.
LONDON - Japan's cosmetics giant Shiseido's badly edited photograph showing a model with disconnected limbs, which was used as publicity material, has been dubbed as a "Photoshop disaster".

SALT LAKE CITY - Utah officials heralded a major investment by software company Adobe Systems Inc.

Here is a summary of recent earnings reports for selected technology companies and what they reveal about the state of spending and the overall economy:
July 13: Intel Corp.
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- Adobe posts higher 2Q profit as revenue soars
- Adobe to post 2Q results; analyst says CS5 strong
- Steve Jobs attacks Adobe Flash as unfit for iPhone
- Adobe needs rebound with latest Creative Suite
- Adobe CEO 2009 pay package down 68 percent
- Adobe Systems posts 4Q loss but says demand rising
- Ahead of the Bell: Adobe Systems
- Adobe to cut about 680 full-time jobs
- Adobe buys Omniture for $1.8 bn
- Adobe to buy Omniture for $1.8B; 3Q profit slides
- RealWorldPaint: Poor man’s alternative to Photoshop in web
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