Consumer confidence

Global Confidence Went Down as There is No Respite of Recession: Nielsen
According to the survey by Nielsen, global confidence dropped in September significantly across Europe and USA because half of the consumers worldwide think they are still in recession. For many consumers, income hit at its lowest level since the quarterly survey began four years ago and 27 percent of Americans, 19 percent of Europeans and 16 percent of Latin Americans say they had no extra cash after paying essential day to day expenses.

NEW YORK - The stock market is holding up, just not pressing ahead as the economic signs look a little less promising.

NEW YORK - The stock market is giving up some momentum from its rally as new worries about the economy pop up.

NEW YORK - The stock market is giving up more momentum from its latest rally as new worries about the economy pop up.

Stocks are falling in early trading Wednesday as investors grow increasingly wary about the economic recovery.
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