LOS ANGELES - The next time someone reaches for photos and offers: "Let me show you some pictures of my little darlings," you might be surprised who's mugging for the camera.

Are you all set for the scariest Halloween party? If you are done with your Halloween costumes, here's some cool idea to dash off your Halloween.

Is you PC scaring you this Halloween? Most of you must have been googling for Halloween costumes for quite sometime now.

It's tough continue working at a stretch without a burst once in a while.
"In India, fears about the experiment spread rapidly through the media" - Reuters & quoted verbatim by MSNBC
"But in deeply religious and superstitious India..." - Reuters & quoted verbatim by MSNBC
What kind of stupid yellow journalism is this?
Who gave Reuters the right to categorize and denigrate a whole country based on its incorrect and biased views?
As an Indian, I deeply resent this piece of yellow journalism from Reuters.