How to Convert DOCX files to DOC files for Free in Any OS

By Partho, Gaea News Network
Thursday, February 5, 2009

It happened just the other day when my friend came confused with a word file I gave him. It did’t run on his system. The savoir faire never give up. We got behind it to find what got stuck. Not a hard nut to crack, it was in the format DOCX. Actually the case was that Microsoft Word 2007 files are saved as DOCX  and these don’t open in Microsoft Word 2000, XP or 2003. My friend was using an MS word 2003. I couldn’t let it go this way. I gotta a hack to convert the .docx to .doc or other compatible formats to be viewed in other word processing softwares and applications. I’ll let you the hack, and that even without a fees.

When you save a MS word 2007 file it takes the .docx extension by default. These are zipped XML documents. So if you are using a MS word 2000, XP or 2003 the file doesn’t open.

To convert the .docx to .doc or open .docx files in other word processing softwares and applications follow these tricks.

First of all try to rename the file from .docx to .zip and extract the file with the help of Winzip, Winrar or other decompression tools.

For Microsoft users

To convert the .docx to .doc file format use the Miscrosoft Office Compatibility pack  available for free download.
Of course to get the download you need to have a licensed Windows OS.

For Mac users

What you can do is get the Microsoft Office Open XML File Format Converter available for free download.

It’ll allow you to convert the .docx to .rtf. You would be able to view the document file in Mac word processor.

For OpenOffice or StarOffice users

There is a free Open XML Translator from SourceForge that you can download.

Using it you can convert the .docx file to .odf file.

Follow these tricks and let me know if you had any hitch ups.

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