It is a dire necessity of the times to do some degree of floccinaucinihilipilification of Web 2.0. To understand the concerns lets take a look at what makes Web 2.0.
Chinese Communist Party big shot Hu Jintao today announced China's intention to maximise the economic potential of the web, while seeking to "purify the internet environment", Reuters reports.
University of Florida reported a study that found microwave ovens can be used to sterilise kitchen sponges. Unfortunately many people who decided to experiment didn't read the fine print.
After several months of hard work, we are proud to unveil the auto lemon law site. It aims to be the one-stop resource portal for lemon law. It provides comprehensive information of lemon law requirements and statutes in all the US states, attorneys who specialize in lemon law cases and other important contact information like Attorney General's office etc.
In several cases of spectacular accidents reported last year in Europe, satellite navigation system can be fairly blamed to be the cause.
In October a 53-year-old German, obeying his satnav's command "Turn right now!" jerked the wheel over and crashed into a roadside toilet hut 30 metres before the crossing he was meant to take, causing damage to the tune of about R18 000.
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