HYDERABAD - The Andhra Pradesh police Friday night arrested disgraced former founder-chairman of Satyam Computers B. Ramalinga Raju and his brother and former company managing director B. Rama Raju on charges of cheating and forgery.
HYDERABAD - The Andhra Pradesh police Friday night arrested disgraced former founder-chairman of Satyam Computers B. Ramalinga Raju and his brother and former company managing director B. Rama Raju.
HYDERABAD/NEW DELHI - Disgraced founder of Satyam Computer Services B. Ramalinga Raju Friday night surrendered before the Andhra Pradesh police and was arrested, three days after admitting to the country's biggest financial fraud of Rs.70 billion (Rs.7,000 crore).
HYDERABAD - Disgraced former founder-chairman of Satyam Computers B. Ramalinga Raju surrendered before the Andhra Pradesh police chief Friday night.
HYDERABAD - The massive accounting fraud in Satyam Computers kicked off a political storm in Andhra Pradesh with Chief Minister Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy and opposition leader N. Chandrababu Naidu trading charges of collusion with the company's disgraced former chief B. Ramalinga Raju.
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