Oracle's Larry Ellison to IBM: "make our day"SAN FRANCISCO — Larry Ellison ratcheted up his rhetoric against IBM Corp. on Wednesday, challenging Oracle Corp.'s longtime partner and rival to "make our day" in a battle over business software performance.
MySpace hires revenue chief; iLike execs promotedLOS ANGELES — MySpace is naming a former MTV Networks ad sales executive to a top role, while promoting the founders of recently acquired site iLike to senior positions.
MySpace hires revenue chief; names iLike execs VPsLOS ANGELES — MySpace is naming a former MTV Networks ad sales executive to a top role, while promoting the founders of recently acquired site iLike to senior positions.
Google dominates September search rankingsRESTON, Va. — Google Inc.'s sites continued to account for the vast majority of the U.S. search market in September, with rival Microsoft Corp.'s sites seeing a slight gain from August, according to comScore Inc.
JPMorgan, Intel, Urban Outfitters big moversNEW YORK — The following stocks were among those that moved substantially or traded heavily Wednesday on the New York Stock Exchange:
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