A file transfer protocol (FTP) program is what lets users get connected to an FTP server. This protocol provides the liberty for users to upload, exchange or sync files from their computer with the FTP server. There are quite a number of FTP programs that can be found and used to perform the FTP service on your computer.
LONDON - A satellite image taken from Google Earth service has uncovered a 'Star of David,' a symbol associated with Judaism, on the roof of the Iran's national airline's building at the Tehran airport.
Update: Google Hot Trends is back again after two days hiatus. Lets hope it continues this way.
Kolkata (The Gaea Times): Since November 29th, Google Hot Trends ( also known as Google Hot Searches ) has stopped updating. The Hot Trends page ( https://www.google.com/trends/hottrends ) is showing links from November 29th 2010. The top link is still long-dead Leslie Nelson who passed away on November 28th.