5 Cute Robot Pets

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Monday, May 11, 2009

robot petsRobots are taking revolutionary roads of progress. Even some years before a robot used to look like an ugly machine that can walk and talk in a machine language (literally). But now, we have robo world cups for football. Robots are selling coffee in the streets of NY and etc. While the progress in robotic terms have always eluded us, Gadgetophilia has caught up with the flow with different robot- related articles in a regular basis.This time, on a rather cuter note, they present to you the best of pet robots.
As Gadgetophilia says,

As your companion, it won’t betray you, won’t divorce you, won’t die, won’t fall asleep when you want to talk, and they won’t even eat the favorite food out of your refrigerator.

Don’t you agree to that? here is a sneak peek:

  1. Pleo : The pet dinosaur
  2. Paro : The pet seal robot
  3. Aibo : The intelligent dog
  4. Dacky : The healing partner
  5. PaPeRo : The companion

Read: Top 5 Pet Robots.

June 2, 2009: 12:13 am

We just opened a new niche retail site that specializes in Robot Pets, including those discussed in your excellent submission. Come check us out at https://www.buyrobotpets.com.


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