How to Add an Image to the Post Title of your Blog

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Saturday, April 25, 2009

blogger-trickWe love to keep special identification marks in our blogs that make us unique. While some use certain HTML signatures at the end of the post, some use names of their blog to every post title. What if you could be more unique about it? If I tell you that you can add a photo to every post title of your blogger, I am not exactly joking. You sure can do it. Here is how.

Uplod a Photo

  1. Get an image or photo that best describes your blog or personality, or maybe your own photo.
  2. Resize the photo as you wish. I recommend 25/25 pixels.
  3. Upload the image or photo to image hosting sites such as TinyPic or PhotoBucket.
  4. Copy the image URL. We will need it soon.



  1. Log in To you blogger account
  2. In the Dashboard, go to Layout, backup the template and start editing.
  3. Find the following code using Ctrl+F:

    <a expr:href=’data:post.url’><data:post.title/></a>

  4. Replace it with the following:

    <a expr:href=’data:post.url’>
    <img src=’URL of your image’ style=’border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0;’/>

  5. Preview the template, you will surely see your photo before your post title. Save and Exit safely. Done.


September 12, 2009: 7:13 am

I’ve seen this feature on several blogs and had no clue how they were coming up with it. Thanks so much for sharing. I will try it.

April 26, 2009: 8:29 am

huh ? I think you forgot to show us the code. Please check the method at the points 3) and 4)

will not be displayed