Top 6 Most Powerful Firefox Extension
One of the greatest strength of Firefox browser is to provide different functionalities to the end user.

While covering the top things you need to know about HTML5, we missed an important part.
Microsoft Silverlight is Going to be Available in Apple iPhone
Microsoft demonstrated beta version of Silverlight 4 at its developer conference last week. Basically Silverlight uses server side coding and HTML5 video tag to display Silverlight content in a native H.264/MPEG-2 v8 format, which is recognized by the iPhone's Quicktime player.
The New Banking Trojan to Make Havoc of Your Bank Account
URLzone Trojan, the recently invented Trojan is very technology savvy and advanced Malware which is found by Finjan Software.
Review of Campaigner E-mail Marketing Software
Overview: If you are looking for the top of the line e-mail marketing software, you can consider Campaigner e-mail marketing service.
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