
Koobaface for Mac OS X Found on Facebook
According to the researchers, if you are a Mac OS X user and visit social networking site like Facebook, MySpace and Twitter, chances are high that your PC may be infected by Koobaface. The Malware ultimately tries to gather sensitive information after infection from the victims such as credit card numbers etc.
Google Code Project Discovered Serving Malware
Web Security firm zScaler recently reported that it had discovered malicious programs that includes malicious downloader programs, Trojan horses, backdoor programs and password stealing key logging programs, hosted and served from the Google Code Web site.
Why Hackers Love iPhone and iPad?
The good part of using Mac is that you don't have to deal with viruses, adware, trojans and malware that hackers may be injecting using windows operating system.
How to Improve the Security of Your Mobile Banking
Mobile banking helps consumers better conveniences and offers efficient way to monitor the account activity.
The Biggest Online Banking Fraud Unearthed in UK
According to the latest research in Israel, a network of 100,000 compromised computers, called Botnet are used to defraud the online banking details.
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