iphone-clone-p168-1If you believe that we live in a world of illusions and there is no such distinction between the real one and the duplicate one, here are something that you may feel interested in. Beauty comes with the fear of being eyed too much. And it seems, iPhone is under it. There are many duplicates of iPhone available in the market. We have found out some of them. Want to know their capabilities and price?  Read the full story at gadgetophilia.com
kikkerland_usb_hub_guyUSB has now become a standard for almost every devices that can be connected to computer. Easy plug-and-play capabilities of USB devices are making them more and more popular. Here is a list of some USB Devices that are worth taking a look. Read the full article on gadgetophilia.com
gmail-lab-tasksWhere none of the email services seem to be upgrading themselves, the Gmail labs is busy experimenting and launching new features for Gmail. There's a bunch of experimental new features being launched at by Gmail labs. Moreover, it's interconnectedness with Google applications like Orkut, Documents, Calender probably holds the maximum of what a user can expect from an email service. The Lab comes up with new ideas and pet features to make the Gmail experience more user-friendly and helpful. There are a lot of Gmail users who never bother to use these experimental labs features. They are yet to realize that these features can be the future of Gmailing. Well, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. On my part, I decided to inform about some truly interesting lab apps that Gmail users would love to take advantage of. Let's get on with the top 10 Gmail lab apps. 
There's a new generation of ToDo tools emerging to make tasks easier as never before. ForceDo is the new kid on the block with an entirely different stance. It's a beta version launched for public test. It is an online system that sits quietly in a corner your PC and tells you that you have four pending tasks todo and that you got to do them with in a time. ForceDo as the name suggests forces you to indulge into a purpose. The word force in ForceDo stands for time pressure and the Do impels you to complete the task. This is a kind of psychological upthrust to have the job done.
HYDERABAD - The investigations into Rs.78 billion (Rs.7,800 crore) scam in Satyam Computer Services picked up momentum as the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Tuesday questioned the IT firm's disgraced former chairman B. Ramalinga Raju and four other accused.
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