Twitter and host of Twitter clients as well as tons of other programs have to recognize valid URL's (protocol defined in RFC 1738) from plain text and hyperlink them. Unfortunately dues tyo lazyness (or lack of knowledge) of the programmers such URL detection schemes are often hare-brained and fails to recognize valid URL's properly. URL can use a wide variety of characters and you need to recognize all of them to properly identify and isolate an URL from surrounding text. Here is a simple guide for programmers (based on RFC 1738 obviously):
antivirus According to 13-month analysis conducted by Google between January 2009 and February 2010, fake antivirus represents 15% of all malware detected on web sites. Cyberattackers use fake antivirus offering to inject Malware in your system rather than fixing the problem. The principal software engineer of Google added that this is five times increase since they started the first study.
Correction: Palin Hacked storyKNOXVILLE, Tenn. — In an April 22 story about the trial of a man charged with hacking into Sarah Palin's e-mail, The Associated Press erroneously reported testimony about when the account was created. Former Palin aide Frank Bailey testified that he set up the e-mail account in April 2008, not in August 2008 after Palin was picked to be Republican presidential nominee John McCain's running mate.
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