internet-trafic-eick Facebook continues to dominate on the Internet. According to numbers released today by Experian Hitwise , Facebook accounts for nearly 1 in 4 page views in the United States. Hitwise stats further shows for the week ending November 13 and it says 24.27% of page views belong to Facebook, which is 4 times the volume of the site ranked number 2 - YouTube, with only 6.93% of all pageviews. Even if you combine YouTube plus Google's search, it shows only around 12% of page views.
WASHINGTON - The man who was attacked on Facebook by Willow and Bristol Palin has refused to accept their apology.
motorola-droid-phone Now, you can buy Android Smartphones from Amazon on special promotion as little as a penny for a new two-year contract. The deal is good for all of Verizon's U.S. Droid phones, that includes the Droid X and new Droid Pro, through November 22. If you open new account, you will also get a $35 credit to cover the full cost of activation. The offer is applicable only for the new account. If you are ready to upgrade your phone and extend the contract, you can get the Droid X with the current price of $49.99. However, if you are not eligible for the contract, you have to pay $559.99 to Amazon for the Droid X.
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