Innovative 419 Nigerian Scam With Love
By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News NetworkSaturday, August 26, 2006
Today I received a 419 scam email with a difference. It speaks of “genuine love”. I continue to be amazed by their innovative techniques of scamming. Enjoy!
Here is the email in full from CYNTHIA TOMSON []:
My name is Miss Cynthia Z,I am single, not yet married fair in complexion , 5.8ft tall, How are you doing today? hope you are fine and in good condition of health.l am very far from you, and i know that distance can never be of any hinderance to a geniue love not to grow BUT i think it is very necessary that i let you know more about me because it is very important,that l let you know about me well, l am an orign of Rwanda l am currently residing here in dakar senegal which is in West Africa because of the war that happened in my country of origine.i dont have a phone number with me here but i will try to get&give you the phone number of the Revrend here in the camp that is incharge of our hostel so that you can call me through there if you whish,but that will be on your next mail to me.I believe that this may not supprrise you but what l am telling you is my i have lead your mail,which i know that God will help us,and please it does not matter of your age ok.
Please could you grant me a favour, i did not known well how to tell you these, i am miss Ruth .Z.Morgan, the only daughter to late Mr Morgan .W.Bizimungu. once ex-minister in Rwanda who was later killed during the problem in Rwanda with my mother and my only brother’ now i am in dakar senegal under refugee because after the death of my father my uncle started to persecute me about my fathers properties ‘ which he later snatched from me under treathning.
Now there is nothing i can do than to run for my life’which is very important to me now i am in critical condition,some one to be under refugee!to compare with senegal where things are very hard’ every thing is high. no i have desided to get married by this my age’while i supose to be in school by now’ but nothing i can do’because i can not deside to go for prostitution.And the only thing that makes me to feel happy at times is that my father left the sum of ($4.2 Million us dallar) in the finance house which i am the only person that is aware of it as the next of kin’ that is called family treadure, Like what l will like to know if you can be able to stand and have it cleared on our behalf,l knows that you may ask me,how do l know if you can be able to do this but,l am telling you this in confident because you have spoken with your heart through your profile as l have lead it and there is a confident in me that l should tell you this without weasting much as l hoping that things will work between me and you IN acheiving this I will like you to be aware that every documents to attestify for this is with me.please i want you to read this mail with free heart and try to put consideration into it for you to understand my situation for i need your help into this issue.
Now the only things that i want from you is your contacts informations as to enable me to use it to write to thefinance house and there by confarming them that you are my partner abroad.thanks and will be waiting for your respond towards my mail.have a
nice week.
Take Cares,
Yours Sincerly,