Indian Cyber Cafes are Potential Ad Markets- Nielson

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

NEW DELHI - With young adults comprising 90 percent of cyber cafes visitors in India, these informal getaways offer significant potential for advertising and brand promotion that is yet untapped in the country, says a survey by global media and marketing consultancy Nielsen.

Conducted by Nielsen with internet media solutions firm Ideacts Innovations at 3,500 cyber cafes in the top eight Indian cities, the survey indicates the untapped potential of interactive brand promotions through desktop advertising in cyber cafes.

‘Not surprisingly, the survey revealed that a sizeable section of cyber cafe users are young adults,’ said Palal Bhattacharjee, associate director, Nielsen.

‘This holds multi-layered implications for savvy marketers targeting this segment which is highly influential when it comes to purchase decision-making as well as purchasing-power across several product and service categories,’ he added.

The other findings of the survey are:

- Sixty-five percent of cyber cafe users polled were in the age group 15-24 years

- Along with the 25-34 year olds, the young adults made up to 90 percent of the audience

- Fifty percent of cyber cafe visitors are students

- Another 40 percent are employed

- Seventy-five percent belong to the upper end of the socio-economic class

- Personal computers are their most common consumer durables

- Ninety-one percent of them owned mobile phones.

‘This audience profiling clearly indicates that Cyber cafes should comprise a significant part of the media plan for marketers and advertisers who want to reach out to this segment,’ said Bhattacharjee.

‘The information needs of this audience are high - e-mailing and information search are their top two activities within a cyber cafe. Additionally, they are connected,’ he added.

The survey was conducted to ascertain the relevance of cyber cafes for advertisers and provide marketers a better perspective while designing their marketing and promotional programmes to cater to a defined target audience.

Filed under: India

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