October 5, 2006: 12:48 am
Great opportunity guys, come forward and showcase your writing capabilities

October 2, 2006: 4:49 am
anshulbangalore@rediffmail.com: I have not heard nor received any communication from goggle on the contest,obviously it is over,if not for some reason,do send me a mail to enable me to take part in the contest please. awaiting your reply, many thanks, anshulbangalore@rediffmail.com

Sapna Reddy
September 29, 2006: 6:18 am
Hey, where's this much touted competition and how come I've not recieved any confirmation or atleast an acknowledgment of registration?
September 28, 2006: 10:22 am
where are you arranging the offline competition in Kolkata? I need to know the venue if I have to turn up on spot timely on the 30th of this month...there is only a day in between....Kindly notify me otherwise I'm at a complete loss.

bireswar chattopadhayay
September 27, 2006: 9:10 pm
1.With varied ,rich and colourful experience, in a life spanning over 73 years and 2.having had the opportunity of learning english during the british regime and thereafter I still hope, inspite of accumulated frustations, to make meaningful contributions to the ongoing human endeavour for a better and happier life.
September 27, 2006: 2:23 am
Wish you all the very best of luck!

Harshita Chaturvedi
September 27, 2006: 1:55 am
I hav recieved a confirmation for the Google wordmasters challenge..........I'm too excited to get it. I'm a software developer by profession & I jus hope that I'd get thru wid this contest.
September 26, 2006: 7:33 am
Im going to take part in this competition;Jus' got the confirmation.Dont' know how they shortlisted but yeh Im goin to taste the first Google drive in my career. Wish me luck. Apparao

kiran makhija
September 26, 2006: 2:41 am
word pictures can speak volumes and in this times of stresses with very little time available to every human, it becomes imperative to say whatever one wants to convey in as little time and fewer words as possible.
September 25, 2006: 12:48 am
Writer's competetion is something which I am eagerly awaiting to participate.
September 24, 2006: 2:52 am
Words are the most poerful find of mankind.It holds the essence of life!

September 24, 2006: 2:46 am
I would like to participate in the Writer's competition to test my writing skills with the best writers.

Lakshmi C
September 23, 2006: 11:30 am
"Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny" I'm not aware of the owner of the above quote. I have read it many, many times, every time i read i'm filled with a positive energy, which evokes an introspective meandering. It helps me in redefining simple human values, which were effotlessly passed on from generations yore. Why are we, in this generation have falied to do the same to our children? Where have we gone wrong? As parents? Or the children? Google has no horizon in influencing the thoughts and the thinking process of the innumerable visitors every minute across the globe. We as thinking writers, are we not committed to the cause of passing on a generation with positive energy and simple values? Think.... Commit...Lead...

Sapna Reddy
September 23, 2006: 9:11 am
Writing was, is and will be my forte but with Google's encouragement and backing I see myself transforming into a word alchemist.

September 23, 2006: 7:24 am
the most beautiful thing in the wolrd is the word itself

September 23, 2006: 7:22 am
the most beautiful thing in the world is the world itself

September 23, 2006: 7:03 am
It is a great opportunity to enjoy my favourite profession - writing. I am indeed looking ahead to the competition.

priya prasad
September 23, 2006: 6:54 am
The numerical and the alphabet posit for our superior understanding of the world and beyond. Numbers elucidate logic and reasoning inexplicable otherwise; and lexical medium objectifies and quantifies the blabber of our mind that is an indispensable pre-requisite for human development and progress. This need is further felt in a rapidly changing world where a clear representation of thoughts is crucial for effective solutions. Such healthy synergy between Google and myself will help me cash in on my mental prowess by enriching my life experience thus.

Sharmila Mitra
September 23, 2006: 4:19 am
Words...they are like homing pigeons...pamper them, let them fly...words will find their own way and come to rest on the blank page of your mind!

Sharmila Mitra
September 23, 2006: 4:16 am
Google wordmasters challenge is where I want to be....it promises great fun and learning! But I can't register!Please help!Now!

September 23, 2006: 1:14 am
writing is art of self expression, can create, stimulate and enchant people who reads such writings

k. govinda reddy
September 23, 2006: 12:10 am
its designed all trypical modes

September 22, 2006: 11:49 pm
Join google make life easy

September 22, 2006: 11:48 pm
I want to join for the contest.

September 22, 2006: 11:47 pm
I'm looking forwrd 4 the contest. I would like 2 join 4 the contest

September 22, 2006: 10:43 pm
I have a way of saying things with the right words that connect with people.

September 22, 2006: 10:40 pm
Silence is the best mode of communication,however being human,we are gifted with extra intellingence for Read write & speak. It would be fun to take part in google competition to measure my skill/intelligence which is GOD's gift to human kind.

September 22, 2006: 10:26 pm
It is wonderful google taking this initiative of identifying people with writing talent and creating a vibrant blogger's community.I would be happy to be a part of this global movement in dispensing and receving thoughts,knowledge and ideas.I may not be wizard in computing knowledge,but i am for sure worldlywise.Hope google would support me on this.

amir husain
September 22, 2006: 9:53 pm
I believe that i will change the whole world with my words.
September 22, 2006: 9:58 am
I do look forward to the competition But really, its not so much the style, but the content and the zest in expression that draws in and keeps the reader coming back again and again
September 22, 2006: 9:32 am
I have an opinion and a mission to express what I believe in.I am open to challenge and would like to venture into a hereby unknown cyber niche. Bina Thomas

Payal Sen
September 22, 2006: 7:55 am
I would like to take part in this competition because I have a flair for writing. Though I am not very experienced with any field of work, I would like to begin gathering experience and lauch myself into the world that looks ahead with new hopes from the new generation that is to take control.....that is people like us.Being a student of Sociology I am sure that I have a reason to think that I may fair well in this competition because I have an objective knowledge about society which others might lack!! I'l be looking forward to your invitation to the event that you have arranged on 30th September. From: Payal Sen

Ranjit Ambekar
September 22, 2006: 6:38 am
Creativity is something which can be assessed only after how many people are appealed by it.

September 22, 2006: 1:30 am
call me for the competition and see how i fare

September 22, 2006: 1:30 am
When Dr. Samuel Johnson met an old lady with a snuff box he asked for a pinch of the stuff in the following words: Madam, will u permit me to insert the extremeties of my digits into that of your odoreferous concavity to extract therefrom some of the pulverised atoms that would ascend my nasal promontary and cause grateful titillation to my olfactoroy nerves? Snuffed out, are you?

joe purakel
September 22, 2006: 12:37 am
blogs r like the clouds, wafting everywhere,like thoughts unstoppable, like the waters that flow despite odds like a force of nature-carrying new thoughts,visions and hopes 2 awaken in all a hope for a brave new world a modern day avatar of Tagores lines in his opus -"where the head is held high....."

September 21, 2006: 10:54 pm
when I was young,I carried much less books to school than my daughter .She lugs her bag.She has a 6 day week school every alternate week,as only 2nd & 4th saturdays are holidays.My husband & I we are both annoyed.every now & then we have an argument whether this is the right school.We should seriously consider changing schools. What has not changed ,since then is-love for the school,principal sir,myteacher.What my daughter learns from her teacher is very important & sacred,as it was for us. Our VEDAS say, 'ACHARYA DEVO BHAVA'. THE TEACHER IS EQUAL TO GOD. THE TEACHER, TODAY,IS STILL EQUAL TO GOD. THE TEACHER,WILL ALWAYS BE EQUAL TO GOD.

September 21, 2006: 10:40 pm
seems to be an interesting site offering a wealth of information for individual enrichment and maybe rewarding as you go along. I like challenging assignments and game for it.
September 21, 2006: 10:39 pm
e-mail to www.google.co.in.wordmasters Oh! Dear Googling Serpent of Internet! Please accept the enticing, tasty Apples of mesmerising words and let us sell American Dreames in India. From : Vithal kanji Patel The Poet Incarnet, Founder, The Temple of Human Dignity, Having two Best Sellers fictions in manuscrips viz. 1) America is Right by Leninvithacleantongue 2) Celebrated Lines in fond Memory of My Hillary By vithalcleantongue. Life Advisor : Bharti Axa Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

Mani Shanker Shukla
September 21, 2006: 10:35 pm
writers are thinkers who thinks deeply

mathew cherian
September 21, 2006: 9:10 pm
I am looking forward for a career change in to writing in which I have a talent.My letters and articles have yealed the desired results and appriciations in many occasions.I suggest you may ask on a general topic and I can write a sample for your consideration.It may be the staring point for a new world of oppertunites and satisfaction for your organisation and for me. Thanks for your time and consideration Mathew Cherian

September 21, 2006: 7:11 pm
Whole world of informations.

Br.Bhuvneshwar Garg
September 21, 2006: 1:10 pm
to compete in market,excell by all means and strike the bull's eye, it's the only requirement that you should topple the old, out-dated blogs. Rest is HISTORY.