Zeus/Zbot Malware Removal Tool Available
By Arnab Ghosh, Gaea News NetworkFriday, September 17, 2010
SAN FRANCISCO (GaeaTimes.com)- The cure for a new variant of Zeus or Zbot worm has been found. There are various other versions of the notorious worm that have affected millions of computers across the world. The worm is sent with a spam email and the recipients get a message saying that he has received $375. A link is also provided to view the transaction. The transaction link is the bait for the unsuspecting users. So far more than 100000 mails like this have been detected. BitDefender which is a leading security software maker said that it has released the patch for removing this worm. The patch can be downloaded for free as of now.
BitDefender has said that the Zeus or Zbot worm is among the most regular breeds of Internet viruses that have wrecked havoc all over the world since its inception. Several variants have been caught by the security firms yet new variants keep popping up which may infect a lot of users if they are unprotected. The removal tool offered by BitDefender is free and anyone can download it without any hassle.
BitDefender has also said that the newly found variants of the Zeus or Zbot worm are powerful enough and they contain stealth mechanisms to evade the existing antivirus softwares. They can steal the private data of the users and send these to the malicious hackers who can use them indiscriminately. The security firm also said that with time new variants of the worm are likely to be traced and the removal tool will be updated accordingly.