Windows Mobile

Google Beats Microsoft in Smartphone Market: Gartner
According to the Research firm Gartner, Google Android based smartphones ranked fourth for the Jan-Mar Qtr, beating Microsoft Windows Mobile.
Traffic for Smartphone Went Up 193% in a Year
According to AdMob, the mobile advertising network, smartphone traffic is up in a year and feature phone traffic is down.
Does the Location Based Service Foursquare Get More Popular than Twitter?
Overview: Foursquare is a web and mobile application that allows registered users to connect with friends and update their location.
Sony Ericsson Aspen, First official Windows Mobile 6.5.3 Phone: Review
Windows Mobile 6.5.3, has been finally built into Sony Ericsson Aspen.
Is Windows Mobile 6.5 Comparable To iPhone
Nearly two months ago, a Twitter message from Microsoft developers had leaked that Windows Mobile 6.5 OS is done.
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