human Can you imagine searching the net at the speed of your thought? The imagination will soon be translated into reality. According to The Daily Telegraph, scientists are developing computer that will be able to read human mind. A group of engineers from Intel corporation is working with the new technology which will directly interpret words the way it was thought and the new concept is unlike current brain controlled computer which requires users to imagine with the help of physical movements to control a cursor on a screen.
ie9 According to the recent blog post, Microsoft is going to launch IE beta version on Sept 15 at an event in San Francisco. The key features of IE9 includes support for HTML5, an improved JavaScript engine, and the ability to tap a computer's graphics chip to accelerate text and image rendering. If you don't want to, or can't, install the beta, still you will be able to see its technical preview of the browser engine, which runs side-by-side with earlier versions of IE. Windows 7 and IE 9 are expected to offer the next generation browsing experience.
WASHINGTON - When it comes to politicians' presence on Facebook and Twitter, Republicans outshine Democrats, according to a study.
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