How to Speed up Ubuntu Updates

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Thursday, April 2, 2009

ubuntu-logo1This is a pretty cool trick for Ubuntu users. Ubuntu users frequently go through updates that they download to keep the OS up-to-date. But while doing so, there is no definite way that Ubuntu will choose the fastest server for you. It may take you insanely long time if you happen to get a slow server to upgrade and update your operating system. But there is a process by which you can choose the best and fastest server always. How? here is the trick

  1. Go to System -> Administration -> Software Sources
  2. Under Downloadable from the Internet choose Other
  3. Choose your Country (or the one closest to it)
  4. Click on the Select Best Server button and wait for it to finish.
  5. Once you are ready, click on the Choose Server button and close the main window.
  6. You will be prompted to reload the server but instead click on the Close button.
  7. Go to Applications -> Add/Remove… and click on the Reload button there.
    [Note: The reason for this is because there may be a bug in the Software Sources program and if you click on the Reload button it will turn gray and freeze up on you.]

This will do it for you.



April 11, 2009: 11:44 am

it work!! couple days ago my download speed drop to 5kb or less..:( this really made me mad. now the speed back to normal. thank you!

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