How To Use Harry Potter Spells At Work

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Friday, July 20, 2007

I was musing on how we could incorporate Harry Potter spells in corporate world. It looks feasible to me. Certain times the air becomes too thick and people begin to get too serious and self-important. Few spells applied at proper moments can break the somberness and make the process enjoyable while conveying the message. Let’s begin with few simple examples:

You should use the spells with an hand gesture, where appropriate, and semi-serious look to achieve the right combination of comic effect while clearly conveying the message.

Here is a small list to get you started.

What you really want to say What you say instead
Eat shit and die, you moron Say Avada Kedavra like you mean it.
Follow my lead you buffoon Point your finger to him and yell: Imperious
Come to me, let’s talk Accio
Say you want the food passed to you. Point your finger to the item and repeat with conviction: Accio until someone finally passes it to you.
Cool down dude Aguamenti
You want to say to your Boss: Give me the opportunity, you cretin Instead point your finger at the project proposal and slowly repeat: Alohamora, until your Boss gets it.
Have you bathed today? Anapneo
You will die horribly, you mean bitch Crucio
Stop, let me speak Stupefy
May I leave? Point your finger to yourself and yell: Evanesco and then slowly getup and leave the room.
Please my boss / mentor / friend, help me out here. Point your finger to your chosen one and slowly chant: Expecto Patronum
Enough, let’s end it. Finite

Discliamer: Use at your own risk. Effect not tested on pregnant women and on clinically deficient in humor.

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